Game 1 Anand Carlsen WCM Sochi 2014
Game one of the
Sochi match was a roller-coaster draw. The advantage swung in both directions
and at some stage, one or the other
player would have been entitled to feel optimistic about their chances. If
every game of the match is as high-tension as this one, the fans will have plenty
to cheer for.
One of the
paradoxes of chess is the fact that an apparently timid opening strategy can
actually be aggressive in its long-term intent. The problem with outright
aggression is that it sometimes rebounds with the aggressor facing a direct
counter-attack, or seeing pieces exchanged off until nothing is left. A quiet
opening variation can however retain tension for a long period.
The late great
Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian was one of those who turned "timidity"
into an art-form. He would often play
wimpish opening systems just to avoid sharp lines in the opening.
His pet variations
with black included the Caro Kann Defence (1. e4 c6, a defence with a notoriously
drawish rep), and the 3.--Be7 system of the Queen's Gambit Declined (black
avoids the standard 4. Bg5 pin after 1.d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Be7). As white, TVP
often played a3 to avoid the NimzoIndian pin (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. a3 or 3.
Nf3 b6 4. a3 ) . He also popularised Bg5 systems against the Kings Indian Defence
where white tries to retard black's king-side expansion.
What was
surprising at first glance was that those quiet, "timid" Petrosian Systems
(there are half-a-dozen "Petrosian Variations/ Systems" in different
openings) often turned out to be poisonous. Petrosian's methods avoided the
early release of tension and thus, often led to long struggles with extremely
nuanced positional factors involved.
Garry Kasparov ,
who was among the least timid of players, transformed a couple of the Petrosian
Systems (the ones against the Nimzo/ Queens Indian) into weapons of mass
destruction, exploiting the complexity of piece retention with exact, deep
analysis and daring pawn sacrifices on d5.
Insofar as Magnus
Carlsen's approach to the opening resembles that of any of the great old-timers,
it would be Petrosian. Carlsen's instinct is also to try to postpone struggles
to the middle-game. But the world champion's style has inevitably, been influenced
by the company he keeps.
Both his official
seconds, "the Dane" (Peter Heine Nielsen) and "The Hammer"
(Jon Ludvig Hammer) as he refers to
them, have sharp opening styles. So do several of Carlsen's "friends"
meaning GMs who he regularly works with.
Fressinet, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave and
Ian Nepomniachtchi - several members of this group regularly play the
razor-sharp Grunfeld Defence (1.d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5). The Grunfeld was
also one of Kasparov's favorite defences
and Kasparov mentored Carlsen. So
it is not surprising that Carlsen has
been persuaded to give the Grunfeld an airing.
Anand used to play
the Grunfeld himself until he was eviscerated by Topalov in the first game of
their World Championship match ( after mixing up the move-order and running
into a deadly sacrifice. Anand also faced
the Grunfeld several times in his match against Boris Gelfand where he
steadfastly avoided the main lines.
Against Gelfand,
Anand tried a super-sharp line with 3.
f3. Since then, Anand has experimented a couple of times with a wolf in sheep
clothing Petrosian-type system. He has played 5. Bd2 a couple of times,
including once against Hammer. So his response could not have been a surprise
to Carlsen.
The Grunfeld is an extreme example of Hypermodernism. Black
cedes the centre, relying on active piece play to counter-attack. White almost
always has a big space edge and it is possible to translate that into greater piece
mobility and into big attacks. Black usually has the more solid pawn structure.
The endgames tend to favour black, assuming white doesn't punch through in the
middle games.
The problem with possessing more space is that
a larger army is needed to exploit space or indeed, to defend it. Military strategists understand this problem
For example, in
World War II, Germany invaded the Soviet Union with a force of roughly 3
million defence personnel (including soldiers,
airforce, SS) across a front of roughly 2,000 km. Three months later, German forces had worked
their way to the suburbs of Moscow. But there was fighting across a front of 6,000
km and of course, a large number of casualties had occurred. The number of German personnel deployed per
kilometre had dropped. There were few soldiers to spare to maintain control
behind the frontline. Partisans started operating behind the German lines,
creating havoc.
In chess terms, in
typical Grunfeld positions, black starts
penetrating behind white's frontlines and operating with threats once a few
pieces are exchanged. Potentially, things
could have been even worse in this game because Anand accepted a ruined
king-side pawn structure to try and impose piece domination in the early middle
The quiet 5.Bd2
shores up the white centre by putting the Bishop on c3 and challenging the long
black diagonal. Black's position can lose cohesion if the Bg7 disappears. There is always a chance that white will blast
lines open with h4-h5 or f4-f5. Or Black is forced into ugly stuff like f6
or f5.
A comment by Teimour Radjabov threw an
interesting sidelight on white's 13th
move. Anand castled queenside, leaving his f3 pawn hanging (it couldn't
be taken). Radjabov, who is of course, one of the strongest players in the
world, wondered whether Anand had mixed up his move order again, as he had done
so disastrously in Sofia. In the press conference later, Anand admitted that he
hadn't mixed it up.
It was an
absolutely unbalanced position with opposite sides castling. White had space
and a big centre with his bishop cutting the board in half and his queen
pinning down the f6 pawn. Black could only move pieces from kingside to queen
side (and vice-versa) via e8. On the other hand, black had a compact pawn
structure and a knight that was controlling important squares.
The engines said
white was a little better. The humans agreed. The point is, in this sort of
imbalanced position, "a little better" can turn into a crushing win
very quickly.
![]() |
After 19. Qb6 |
White focussed on
holding onto e6, over-protecting the key square with two pawns, and rook. This
was probably correct since it ensured his pieces stayed active and he kept some
pressure on the e7 pawn. He recaptured
with peices on e6 and found a tactical shot (28. d6) to dissolve the centre. After
28.d6, it looked as though the position was burning out. White had eliminated some of his pawn weaknesses and kept his queen
and rook active.
Against anybody
but Carlsen, it would have been safe to relax at that stage and play a few
"nothing", non-committal moves
to reach the time-control. Against Carlsen, it was close to fatal. Black suddenly found the a-pawn push, which cramped the white
king dangerously.
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Black can play 42.--Re3! with winning chances after 43. Rd7+ Kf8 44. Rxb7 Rb3 45. Rxb3 axb3+ 46. Ka1 Qxh2 |
Anand found a series
of geometric motifs, pulling his rook to
b4 and his queen onto the long white diagonal from h1. The rook guarded b3 and hit b7 while the queen
created threats of penetrating anywhere along the diagonal while also
preventing checks on the a2-g8 diagonal. That proved to be just enough to hold
the game by perpetual check.
Both players appeared
to be visibly annoyed with themselves at the press conference. Anand was berating
himself for the carelessness that led to his being forced to defend at all. Carlsen
was probably annoyed at not successfully converting an advantage to a win after
defending so well. Both players also looked visibly tired in the absence of the
emotional lift from a win.
It's tempting but
dangerous to extrapolate too much from one game. However, it seems Anand will
look to create chaotic, unbalanced positions with White and Carlsen may just be
inclined to meet him halfway if he plays the Grunfeld again. What will Carlsen try with white? We'll get an inkling in Game 2.
Anand - Carlsen
2014 Game 1, 09.11.2014
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.Bd2 Bg7 6.e4
Nxc3 7.Bxc3 0–0 8.Qd2 Nc6 9.Nf3 Bg4 10.d5 Bxf3 11.Bxg7 Kxg7 12.gxf3 Ne5
13.0–0–0 c6 14.Qc3 f6 15.Bh3 cxd5 16.exd5 Nf7 17.f4 Qd6 18.Qd4 Rad8 19.Be6 Qb6
20.Qd2 Rd6 21.Rhe1 Nd8 22.f5 Nxe6 23.Rxe6 Qc7+ 24.Kb1 Rc8 25.Rde1 Rxe6 26.Rxe6
Rd8 27.Qe3 Rd7 28.d6 exd6 29.Qd4 Rf7 30.fxg6 hxg6 31.Rxd6 a6 32.a3 Qa5 33.f4
Qh5 34.Qd2 Qc5 35.Rd5 Qc4 36.Rd7 Qc6 37.Rd6 Qe4+ 38.Ka2 Re7 39.Qc1 a5 40.Qf1 a4
41.Rd1 Qc2 42.Rd4 Re2 [42...Re3 43.Rd7+
Kf8 44.Rxb7 Rb3 45.Rxb3 axb3+ 46.Ka1 Qxh2]
43.Rb4 [43.Rd7+
Kf8 44.Rxb7 Qc4+ 45.Ka1 Qe6] 43...b5 44.Qh1 Re7 45.Qd5 Re1 46.Qd7+ Kh6 47.Qh3+ Kg7
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